Best Apple Watch app to track sleep
Do you ever wonder why you’ve woke up feeling like you’ve had no sleep at all? Or maybe the opposite you woke up feeling refreshed ready to attack the new day! Whatever the case sleep tracking on your Apple Watch is a great way to gain insight into your sleeping habits over time – which is why we are going to share a few Apple Watch apps to track sleep.
Autosleep provides a detailed look at your sleep! From your heart rate, sleep quality, deep sleep tracker and much more.
Similar to the Activities app, AutoSleep uses a system of rings to help you understand the data collected. A lot of information is tracked throughout AutoSleep but the simplified main circles will highlight the sleep, sleep quality, deep sleep tracker and bpm.
Price: £3.99
Pillow features an automatic sleep detection (tracking your cheeky daytime naps on a Saturday afternoon).
There is also an ability to track heart-rate analysis, but one of the main features is the recording feature. Meaning you can track important audio events throughout the night. This means you can track data including snoring, sleep apnea and sleep talking.
Price: Free
Similar to Pillow, Sleep++ features an automatic sleep detector. Bedtime reminders, sleep goals and much more are available on the app!
An ability to track your sleeping habits over the past few days is extremely helpful, meaning you can grasp a better idea of how well you’ve slept.
There is a detailed timeline of your sleep available, showing when you were restful, restless and awake, even showing when your ‘best sleep’ occurred.
One of the best things about Sleep++ – it’s completely free for you to download – allowing you to access all this information free of charge.
We hope you’ve found your own best apple watch app to track sleep. Enjoy!