Education Success Stories

Please enter the success stories and statistics that you would like to share below.

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Please enter the number of devices you have deployed within your school / Trust (e.g. 500 iPad, 350 Mac, 10 Apple TV).
Please enter the region your school / Trust is based.
Please share any statistics related to your Apple deployment you would like us to include (e.g. student engagement increased by 78% since deploying iPad).
Please share any quotes you would like include, and who we should reference (e.g. "We're trying to make technology as accessible as possible to give all pupils the best chance to succeed" - John Doe, Headteacher).
Please share any success stories you would like us to share which relate to your Apple deployment. This could be longer sentences or paragraphs.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 80 MB.
    Please feel free to upload any documents that may be useful to include (e.g. reports).
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    0161 605 3838 | education@wearesync.co.uk

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