How to Make Your New Business Different: 10 Steps to Stand Out from the Crowd
How can you get your company noticed in a country like the UK? In 2020, approximately 468,371 new companies were created, according to Companies House. So, how do you stand out from the crowd? Why should a potential customer choose your business over an established competitor? We’re going to look at how to make your new business different: 10 steps to stand out from the crowd, offering a few other options to ensure you get the attention you deserve.
1. Define yourself
It’s essential to define your brand. This involves stating what makes your proposed product or service unique. Don’t sit back and let others make the most of this selling point. Your target market and customers need to link your business to a brand. In turn, your brand must be strong and convey your business message. Your customers need to think of your company as providing a high-quality service with, for example, outstanding after-sales care. Therefore, you aim to turn your brand into a label of quality. Be a benchmark for your particular niche!
So, you need to do your homework to discover why your potential customers might choose you over your competitors. First, consider the benefits for your potential customers. Then, act on these when selling your product or service.
2. Study the competition
By looking closely at what your competitors are doing, you’ll be able to conclude. Draw inspiration from finding a method that works and makes a difference. Then, work on perfecting it (but make sure you keep it neat and concise). Also, analysing the competition will allow you to spot their mistakes. Look at these carefully. Then, in terms of your business, avoid making the same errors. Alternatively, correct them if you notice a similar pattern. Your reward will be happy customers.
However, you need to answer a reasonably complex question: What’s the best way to conceive, define and place my product or service so that potential customers choose me over the competition?
3. Defining your customers
It’s essential to define who your customers actually are. Selling to “everyone” is simply unrealistic. It’s impossible for a new business. You need to focus on targeting your audience. It could be that your target customers have other interests, possibly broader or narrower. However, if they’re in a strong buying position, they could be customers whose needs aren’t adequately met. One of the best ways to help your new business stand head and shoulders above your competitors is to target the audience we’ve just described.
4. Personalise what you’re offering
To effectively stand out from the competition, tailor your products and services to suit your customers. Talk to them and listen to their responses. Imagine you’re in their position and answer their questions to tailor your product or service to meet their needs. Adopting a customer-focused approach makes it easier to spot new requests. Therefore, you’ll be ready to adapt what you offer to meet your customers’ needs. They’ll be happy knowing you’ve listened to them. Customers are more likely to prioritise using your business rather than going to your competitors.
5. Communication
Your communication must be ongoing and also up to date. Aim for a dynamic and original communication style that makes good sense. This will ensure your messages appeal to your target customers. However, be careful not to be too full-on or offend anyone. Also, don’t forget to use any of the digital tools to help you run campaigns and set you apart from your competitors. A website, social networks and a digital newsletter are all fundamental ways to communicate.
6. Keep your products and services fresh
Don’t let your products and services stagnate but look to frequently renew and improve these. By doing so, your customers will always think of your new business as dynamic. This is how to stand out from your more conventional competitors.
7. Test and innovate
You’ve already studied the competition. So, don’t just try to offer an ‘improved version of their product or service. Set up testing to compare two of your best products/services and look at the results. This will help you to see what works and what doesn’t. Then, use the results to be innovative. Introduce new features to your product or service. The secret is to offer something different to appeal to your customers. Then, you’ll be thought of as a forward-thinking business, looking to improve compared to your competitors who always ‘do things the same.
8. Be transparent
New businesses often want to protect their valuable new ideas. There’s nothing wrong with this. Many entrepreneurs want to be discreet when developing their products and services. However, when it comes to your ongoing business aims, it can be helpful to let people know about what you’re offering.
This boils down to setting small, achievable goals, then informing your customers about your plans. You might even want to specify a timescale for specific improvements. This will also internally motivate your business, helping you to take the initiative to set deadlines.
9. Find new markets
Keep your eyes open for changes and developments going on around you. A new business will stand out by adapting to recent trends, requirements and niche opportunities. These could apply to the type of products/services your business offers. Here are two ideas:
- Steer your company towards being socially responsible. Be respectful of the environment. Get your business to comply in this area and target the customers who value these features.
- Using local trade goes hand in hand with the idea of conscious buying. This sector is experiencing new growth. More and more people are looking to buy locally. In particular, the COVID-19 crisis has boosted the desire to buy from and support high-quality local traders. To make the most of this, you need to know how to win over the customers who have these preferences when buying.
10. Tell your story
It is crucial to have a strong story behind your business, no matter what product or service you offer. Your customers will undoubtedly want to know how your product or service performs and how it reflects them. What does being loyal to your business mean to them? Your customers will consider many areas as necessary, for example, seeing your company as innovative, family-run or socially responsible.
Use your communication skills and branding to spread your story. Encourage your team members to embrace this. For a new business, the product or service isn’t your only aim. Instead, you should be looking at the message you’re putting across. Identify your target customers, ensure you have a niche, then tell your story. Taking these steps will help to set you apart from the competition.
Working with Sync
For more information about starting a new business, visit our website. We’ve been helping businesses thrive for over 30 years, unlocking their potential through the power of technology. Get the most out of your tech with Sync.