Creating Powerful Products for Learning
Freedom of expression. The ability for students to express their ideas is critical to their development. We believe that iPad offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface meaning that anybody can make the most out of its tools.
Likewise, Mac packs both power and punch, enabling students and their teachers to pursue ambitious projects and tasks across a range of subjects. Furthermore, because Apple’s products are able to synchronise seamlessly, students can start a project on Mac at home, and then carry on where they left off on an iPad back in the classroom. This, coupled with all-day battery life, means that both iPad and Mac keep inspiring, long after lessons end.
Children are accustomed to using digital devices in their daily lives, and as a result, many students expect to have the opportunity to use technology to learn in the classroom. Schools that have adapted iPad have found that it significantly improves student engagement in the learning process, whilst enhancing their motivation to learn. Some institutions have even reported a drop-in disciplinary issues and a decline in drop-out rates.
Apple technology helps to bring any project to life. Both iPad and Mac have purpose built applications that give students the ability to create assignments that stand out. Garageband and iMovie offer the means to showcase multimedia projects and give students the opportunity to breathe sound and vision into their assignments.
We recently agreed a deal with Oasis community learning to equip 30,000 iPads to primary, secondary, sixth form students, and staff over the next 12 months. You can read more about the Oasis horizons scheme by clicking the link below.
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