Creating a New Business: 15+1 Tips to Manage Your Emotions
The ability to feel and express your emotions is more important than you think, especially when creating a new business. Your emotions play a significant role in your reactions. If you can manage them positively, you’ll have access to tools that will help you make decisions and deal with daily interactions. Also, you’ll have healthy relationships, supporting your well-being. However, even if emotions are helpful in everyday life, they can get in the way of your emotional health. They can hamper your interpersonal relationships when they start to run out of control in the long run.
With a bit of work, you can get back control. That’s a connection between having the ability to manage your emotions and financial success. A little effort in this area can pay off. Here are 15+1 tips for managing your emotions.
1. Feel your emotions
Intense emotions aren’t necessarily negative. It’s pretty normal to feel an emotional surge when something great or terrible happens or when you think you’ve missed out somehow. The problem comes when emotions become uncontrollable. It can lead, for example, to personal or friendship conflicts and issues with your new company. Analyse how your feelings affect your daily life when they’re out of control. Consequently, it will allow you to identify problematic areas and monitor your success.
2. Aim to manage your emotions rather than repress them
Imagine if you could manage your emotions using an app on your smartphone. If you suppressed or repressed your feelings, you’re preventing yourself from expressing your feelings. It can be conscious (suppression) or subconscious (repression). Both can lead to anxiety, depression and difficulties in managing stress. When you need to control your emotions, make sure you don’t just sweep them under the carpet. A healthy emotional life involves balancing overwhelming feelings and no feelings at all [see this article for more information].
3. Identify what you feel
Sometimes, decisions that aren’t up to you can lead to disillusion, frustration and even extreme anger. Before you react spontaneously, take time to gather your thoughts. It will stop you from having a severe reaction you may regret. In particular, this applies in a professional context. Identifying what you feel can take time. With a bit of effort, taking these steps will become more accessible (and more effective).
4. Learn to accept all your emotions
Excepting your emotions will help you to feel more comfortable with them. Learn to increase your level of comfort when experiencing intense emotions. It will allow you to handle situations without reacting in an extreme and unhelpful way. When you learn to accept your feelings, you’ll feel a lot happier in life. Also, this will particularly benefit your life when leading your new business [this article has some helpful information].
5. Accept what you can’t change
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered much uncertainty in any area. Crises tend to run in cycles, which is one of their peculiarities. However, you’re responsible, so don’t let your emotions take you hostage. Crises will come and go, so accept them with reassurance. Focus your attention on identifying opportunities amidst change. You’ll free up your mind to work with a new kind of reality, with new processes and strategies.
6. Change your way of thinking
Your emotions can be a pain. For example, if a customer asks to speak to you, this might make you feel anxious. Are they going to leave you? Since you can’t be sure, don’t speculate, as it’s pointless to increase your stress levels. Instead, turn your method of thinking on its head and react differently.
7. Be healthy in mind and body
Being in good physical shape is very important. Look after your body, take exercise and above all, make sure you have a healthy diet with regular meals. You’ll be surprised to know just how much good nutrition can help your emotions. The term “hangry” (Hungry + Angry) says: regularly eating with the right kind of food allows your body to maintain a consistent blood sugar level, which will stabilise your mood. If you respect your body, you’ll be in good shape to tackle the day-to-day challenges of a new business.
8. Plan your finances
Planning your finances should be an ongoing process. You should do this alongside your priorities, abilities and interests. Of course, you can’t plan every single moment of your life. However, you can reduce the impact of unforeseen events that you might find challenging.
9. Keep a diary
Write a diary including your feelings and your reactions. It will help you uncover the feelings to examine. Also, you’ll be able to reflect more deeply upon your emotions. Therefore, recognising specific circumstances such as worries about your business will lead to feelings that are hard to control. Identifying specific triggers will allow you to find ways to manage these more effectively.
10. Breathe deeply
Slow down and pay attention to your breathing. While this won’t make your emotions disappear (which isn’t the aim), deep breathing exercises can help you feel more anchored. Also, it allows you to take a step back from the first intense rush of emotion and external reactions you want to avoid—[This article is interesting to consider].
11. Find the right time
There is a time and place for everything, including intense emotions. However, the majority of situations require a certain level of restraint. It doesn’t matter how incredible your frustration may be – shouting at your employees because they aren’t productive enough won’t help you one bit. However, being aware of those around you will help you gauge when it’s acceptable to make your feelings known.
12. Take a step back
Distancing yourself physically or mentally from intense emotions can help you to ensure that you react reasonably. It doesn’t involve blocking things out or avoiding feelings but does mean taking a step back momentarily. For example, go for a run, watch a film or read a book to help distract yourself and give you a little breathing space—[See this article].
13. Do team building
You’re bound to have been affected by stress and anxiety. The same goes for those who work with you because a new business involves people working together. It means it’s time to think and collaborate. Johan Cruyff said that a team is crucially important. Lead by example, show empathy and act as a good manager. Build an emotionally intelligent team fit to deal with the consequences of the pandemic. See why team building is essential.
14. Meditation
Meditation can help you to raise your level of consciousness in terms of all your feelings and experiences. Meditating allows you to look at all your feelings without judging yourself, trying to change them or make them go away. On the contrary, you’ll learn to accept your feelings.
15. Reducing stress
Every entrepreneur will experience frequent periods of increased stress. At times like these, managing your emotions will be more difficult. However, reducing stress or finding valuable ways to deal with it can help your feelings be more manageable. There’s no secret to this: make sure you get enough sleep, take time to go to the cinema and make plans like going into the great outdoors with your family.
15 + 1. Get professional support
If you really can’t manage your emotions and your life as an entrepreneur is affected, it’s time to look for a therapist. A professional can offer you support and tools to help you manage your emotions when things go wrong. Working with a professional therapist is a long-term continuous approach, but you’ll notice the results. Your life and your new company will benefit.
Working with Sync
For more information about starting a new business, visit our website. We’ve been helping businesses thrive for over 30 years, unlocking their potential through the power of technology. Get the most out of your tech with Sync.