Carbon Reduction Plan 2025

1. Commitment to achieving Net Zero

GBM Group, incorporating Sync (a trading name of GBM Digital Technologies Limited), is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. This plan covers all companies in GBM Group.

2. Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

Baseline Year: 2021

Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations:

The baseline emissions calculations used are from GBM Digital Technologies Group’s data from 2021, focusing on Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions (Cat 3 and Cat 6).


Baseline Year: 2021

Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations:

The baseline emissions calculations used are from GBM Digital Technologies Group’s data from 2021, focusing on Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions (Cat 3 and Cat 6)

Baseline year emissions



Scope 1

38.94 of which 16.91 was generated by Oil & Gas Combustion Emissions, and 22.03 was from Vehicle Fuel Combustion Emissions

Scope 2

27.48 generated by Purchased Electricity Emissions

Scope 3

24.11 of which 18.24 was generated by Business Travel (Cat 6), and 5.87 from Energy T&D (Cat 3)

Total Emissions


3. Previous Year Emissions Reporting (for year: 2022)

Reporting Year: 2022



Scope 1

38.37 of which 16.13 was generated by Oil & Gas Combustion Emissions, and 22.24 was from Vehicle Fuel Combustion Emissions

Scope 2

19.52 generated by Purchased Electricity Emissions

Scope 3

26.64 of which 24.85 was generated by Business Travel (Cat 6), and 1.79 from Energy T&D (Cat 3).

Total Emissions

84.53 a year-on-year reduction of 6.63%


4. Current Emissions Reporting (for year: 2023)

Reporting Year: 2023



Scope 1

34.34 of which 13.22 was generated by Oil & Gas Combustion Emissions, and 21.12 was from Vehicle Fuel Combustion Emissions

Scope 2

17.09 generated by Purchased Electricity Emissions

Scope 3

32.20 of which 30.72 was generated by Business Travel (Cat 6) and 1.48 from Energy T&D (Cat 3).

Total Emissions

83.63 a year-on-year reduction of 1.06%

5. Current Emissions Reporting (for year: 2024)

Reporting Year: 2024



Scope 1

27.75 of which 9.91 was generated by Oil & Gas Combustion Emissions, and 17.84 was from Vehicle Fuel Combustion Emissions

Scope 2

20.62 generated by Purchased Electricity Emissions (based on an office move, requiring us to run two locations alongside each other for a short period)

Scope 3

75.57 of which 34.85 was generated by Business Travel (Cat 6) which is made up of 32.80: Car, Train, Taxi, Air Transport and 2.05: Hotel Stays, 1.83 from Energy T&D (Cat 3) and 38.89 from Home Working and Commute (Cat 7).

Total Emissions

The increase in total emissions from 83.63 to 123.94 is due to an office move that required us to run two premises alongside each other for 4-5 months and the inclusion of two new Scope 3 categories, “Home Working and Commute (Cat 7)” and “Hotel Stays – Business Travel (Cat 6). Excluding these additions, our emissions for other categories have decreased from 84.53 to 75.54, reflecting a year-on-year reduction of 10.64%.

6. Emissions reduction targets

In order to continue progressing toward Net Zero, we have adopted a carbon reduction plan with tangible targets and timelines. Due to the continued growth of the business and the diversification of its activities, we believe that the best way to represent emissions data is through the use of an intensity ratio (tCO2e by turnover in million pounds).

Based on this intensity ratio, and in relation to scope 1 and 2 emissions, we project that GBM Group’s carbon emissions will decrease over the next two years from 0.531 tCO2e per million pounds turned over to 0.451 tCO2e per million pounds by the end of 2027. This is a reduction of 12%


7. Carbon Reduction Projects

7.1 Overview of commitments

GBM Group operate an environmental management system, certified to ISO 14001, through which we actively monitor, target, and aim to reduce our carbon footprint, use of scope 1 and 2 emissions, and waste.

We are also compliant with the Government’s Streamlined Energy and
Carbon Reporting (SECR) scheme, through which we report our scope 1 and 2 emissions, outline energy efficiency measures, and state emissions with reference to an intensity metric (turnover).

7.2 Waste Management and Reduction

7.2.1 Operational and Office Waste

GBM Group have a comprehensive waste management strategy, which focuses on diverting waste from landfill. At last review (20.01.2025), our waste management providers reported that over 100% of our operational waste was diverted from landfill.

In order to continue to reducing waste sent to landfill, we are working to review our waste streams, how they are processed, and how we can minimise waste generated as part of our operational activities.

7.2.2 Packaging Waste

GBM have also signed up to a compliant packaging waste scheme through WastePack, to the ensure compliance with the packaging waste producer responsibilities. This has been done at Group level to include reporting for both Sync and Kingsfield.

GBM have been working internally and with our suppliers to reduce the use of Single Use Plastics. In 2023, we achieved a year-on-year reduction of 62.5% on plastic used in packaging and from December 2024, we are now 100% plastic-free for our Service Centre deliveries.

We work closely with suppliers and distributors to offer Closed Loop Packaging to reduce packaging waste when delivering to customers. This includes the use of Zero-Packaging Trolleys/Caged Delivery, Multi-pack Boxes and Swap-It-Boxes.

7.2.3 WEEE Waste

GBM Group also form part of the circular computing economy. Our vendor certified technicians work tirelessly to repair and upgrade devices to extend their life – this supports programmes (like ReSync) that provide a route for the supply of second-user devices to end users.

We also work closely with an ADISA and ISO 14001 certified IT asset disposal specialist in order to reuse, repurpose, or recycle aged devices, components, and devices that are beyond economical repair in compliance with WEEE regulations.

8. Sustainable Programmes and Initiatives

GBM Group operate a number of sustainable programmes and initiatives to help reduce and offset its impact on the environment.

These include:

  • Powering 100% of company-owned premises with energy from renewable sources.
  • Migrating company vehicles to hybrid and fully electric models, with 23% of GBM Group’s entire fleet now fully electric (and growing), and 23% now hybrid. Within this, 100% of Kingsfield’s fleet is electric vehicles. We also have multiple charging points installed at company-owned premises to support this transition.
  • The move to a more sustainable office in September 2024. This premises does not have a gas supply allowing us to remove all emissions associated with Gas Combustion (Scope 1) for 2025.
  • We’ve partnered with DataPac to implement a Print Tracking Software and Managed Print Solution, which allows us to track our paper usage more accurately to reduce print across our operations. This includes the use of Certified, Recycled paper and offsetting our paper consumption, contributing to reforestation efforts and bolstering our commitment to responsible resource management.
  • We work closely with Apple Financial Services (AFS) and other leading leasing providers to provide customers with effective lifecycle management tools, reducing the burden on customers of managing aged technology. Together with AFS, we help to manage and retire devices, providing a route for tech to become second-user devices, forming part of the circular computing economy.
  • We have made a deliberate choice to deploy Apple devices within our organisation due to their environmental and sustainable credentials, as outlined in Apple’s environmental commitment. This decision reflects our belief in aligning with partners who share our dedication to sustainability and responsible business practises.
  • Our operations are continuously reviewed for effectiveness and efficiency by a Six Sigma- certified Black Belt. Six Sigma methodologies focus on improving process efficiency and reducing variability, which inherently leads to waste reduction. By adopting these principles, we are taking concrete steps to minimise waste and improve resource utilisation, further enhancing our sustainability footprint.
  • Expanding our Emission Reporting to cover more Scope 3 emissions, to allow us to accurately track and reduce our Scope 3 emissions further.
  • As part of our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, we recognise the environmental impact of event stands and are taking steps to address this. We work with stand builders who prioritise sustainability, utilising reusable metal frames from previous events and adaptable stretch fabrics to create fresh designs with minimal waste. Additionally, they make a conscious effort to reuse furniture from our own events to maximise resource efficiency. This approach allows us to deliver high-quality stands while significantly reducing waste and supporting a circular economy.

9. Ongoing Reduction Plan

In order to continue working toward net zero, GBM Group plan to further review and reduce its emissions, introduce new measures to reduce emissions, and factor in more scope 3 emissions data – as outlined below:

  • 31/12/2022 Setting a baseline for scope 3 emissions in 2022 based on business travel only. (Completed)
  • 31/12/2023 We will also start tracking scope 3 emissions against a baseline in 2023 for business travel. (Completed)
  • 31/12/2024 Move to new premises powered by green energy sources and look to adopt other environmentally friendly technologies. (Completed)
  • 31/12/2024 Start tracking scope 3 emissions in relation to home-working and employee commute. (Completed)
  • 31/12/2025 Set a baseline and report the following Scope 3 categories: Upstream transportation and distribution, Waste generated in operations and Downstream transportation and distribution.
  • 01/04/2023 Registering Kingsfield on a compliant producer responsibility compliance scheme under for compliance with packaging waste regulations. (Completed)
  • 31/12/2025 Performing a formal review of our systems, and further reducing our scope 3 emissions.
  • 01/01/2028 Making further reductions to our carbon footprint, and exploring options for offsetting any carbon generated that cannot be reduced.
  • 01/01/2030 Migrating to an entirely electric company fleet.
  • 31/12/2030 Start tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions relating to goods and services.
  • 31/12/2031 Start tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions (Cat 1) relating to capital goods.
  • 31/12/2032 Start tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions (Cat 2) relating to capital goods.
  • 31/12/2033 Start tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions for fuel and energy related activities, not included in scope 1 or 2.
  • 31/12/2035 Start tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions (Cat 5) relating to waste generated in operations
  • 31/12/2036 Start tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions (Cat 8) relating to upstream leased assets.
  • 31/12/2038 Start tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions (Cat 10) relating to processing of sold products.
  • 31/12/2039 Start tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions (Cat 11) relating to use of sold products.
  • 31/12/2040 Start tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions (Cat 12) relating to end of life treatment of sold products.
  • 01/01/2041 – 31/12/2049 Working to reduce greenhouse gases related to all business activity for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, with a further 10-year reduction plan create to detail this period of reduction.
  • 01/01/2050 GBM Group becomes carbon neutral

Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard1 and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting2.

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors.

Approved by Scott Bordoni, COO, 20.01.2025

1 https://ghgprotocol.org/corporate-standard
2 https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/government-conversion-factors-for-company-reporting

Document: POL301 Carbon Reduction Plan | Version: 1.2 | Date: 25.02.2025| Initials: AS | Public